A Waste of Useful Product

Where Your Product Ends Up if Not Recycled

Consumerism and seasonal changes in fashion have caused a significant increase in household textile waste generation in America.

According to the EPA’s 2006 MSW Report, approximately 11.8MM tons or 23.6B pounds of textiles were thrown away, representing 7% of the total municipal solid waste stream. According to the Council for Textile Recycling, 1.25MM tons or 2.5B pounds of postconsumer textile waste was collected and prevented from ever reaching the curb in 2006, an 11% recovery rate! Using the above figures, 10.5MM tons of clothing is not recovered, thus going directly into our nation’s landfills.

Currently, EACH American produces over 68 pounds of clothing and textile waste per year and this has been increasing for decades. The timing between purchase and disposal has grown shorter and, in a recent report, it is estimated that over 20% of all purchases, once bought, stay in the home. This latent and extremely large quantity of clothing will eventually enter the waste stream where the current recycling rate is less than half the national average for all other materials, leaving significant room for improvement.

Why Recycle?

Recycling helps to preserve our natural resources, prevents pollution, protects our environment and is a good way to conserve energy. For some, recycling has become second nature. Make sure you don’t forget what a difference recycling makes!

H&M Leasing Corp. makes it easy to recycle many of your used household goods by reusing items that can be reused, and recycling those that cannot. Look for the collection bins located at convenient locations throughout your region.