Our Curbside Collection Service

Together, with the aid of your municipal newsletter and collection schedules, as well as local newspapers we can provide a list of acceptable items and list the pick up times and locations of drop off bins.

The Future of Textile Recycling with H&M Leasing Corp.

We are a for profit organization that promotes waste reduction and recycling.


A recent survey, found that half of the people discarding their unwanted textiles prefer door-to-door pickup, and more than half would not go more than 10 minutes out of their way to make a drop off. To help divert textiles that might otherwise end up in a landfill or incinerator, H&M Leasing Corp. will offer to collect used textiles with regular curbside recyclable pickups.

We believe that during this innovative curbside textile collection program. We can divert waste streams from landfills, assist municipalities/townships in capturing the most revenue possible with no capital outlay, and assist in eliminating undesirable and unscrupulous entities from illegally placing bins.

We here at H&M Leasing Corp. take these goals seriously. Together, we can provide a steady, creative and meaningful way of recycling and keep our planet GREEN.

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